On October 2, 2018, Anthony Naccarato of O’Donnell & Naccarato sat with Matt Cabrey, Executive Director of the Select Greater Philadelphia Council to record an interview about doing business in the Philadelphia Region. The interview highlighted stories about doing construction in the Philadelphia Region and Philadelphia’s buildings – even before they’re built!
Anthony discussed the role of structural engineers in the building process, including the façade inspection work done by O’Donnell & Naccarato in the city. Anthony also talked about his work with the ACE Mentor Program of Eastern PA, encouraging youth, especially under-represented and under-served youth, to pursue architecture, construction, and engineering industries.
We’ll post information about when the interview goes to air!
Click below to see more photos of Anthony in the recording studio!
Click below to listen to past interviews and ads featuring GBCA members!
About O’Donnell & Naccarato
Tracing its roots to 1954, O’Donnell & Naccarato, a consulting structural engineering firm with facade restoration and full-service parking garage divisions, has been recognized for its expertise in designing and managing projects of all sizes, types and levels of complexity.
In 2018, GBCA is partnering with Select Greater Philadelphia and WPHT Talk Radio in a new initiative: the Growing Greater Philadelphia Podcast & Radio Program on WPHT Talk Radio 1210. We will be highlighting our members’ stories of successes in Philadelphia’s construction industry. It will reach regional, national and global audiences through podcasts and online promotion. The programs will focus on the economic, business, technology, construction, real estate development projects, and more that are transforming northern Delaware, southern New Jersey, and southeastern Pennsylvania. GBCA will have commercials running on the air, as well as sponsor some of the online content.