The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) announces its 35th  Annual National AGC Safety Awards (NASA) Program. All entries for this awards program are submitted through GBCA. The deadline for members’ submissions to GBCA is Friday, February 14, 2025.

The National AGC Safety Awards (NASA) program has been an ongoing effort since 1991 to offer AGC members an opportunity to evaluate their safety record. NASA compares an AGC member’s safety record with other AGC members according to the member size and construction type. Additionally, NASA provides a great opportunity for members who have excellent safety records to compete for nationally recognized awards.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Current GBCA contractor members (Active and Associate members) in good standing.


  • Awards are given to members who have a zero-incidence rate or who have an incidence rate 25 percent below each occupational division’s average.

Honorees will be announced in May, and they will be celebrated at GBCA’s Safety Awards Reception in July 2025.

Click below to download the entry form (fillable pdf):

How to Enter: Download the information (link above) and fill out the form on page 2. Email the completed form by Friday, February 14, 2025 to GBCA by clicking below:

If you have questions about filling out the form, contact Marybeth Gerdelmann by clicking below: