Turner Construction Company has been recognized by Forbes as one of America’s best employers for veterans in 2023.
In partnership with market research firm Statista, Forbes asked veterans to rate their employer on criteria such as salary, career advancement opportunities, onboarding policies that help veterans transition into work life, health benefits, and representation of veterans in upper management.
From Turnerconstruction.com:
Veterans bring a unique combination of skills and experience to the business world, as well as the vital traits of leadership, drive, and adaptability. Turner also has a long history of caring for its own “civilian soldiers.” We fully support the rights and responsibilities of Guard and Reserve members, and we recognize their sacrifices with a generous leave and pay differential policy.
We at Turner can help veterans succeed by learning about military culture, understanding what drives former service members (and their families) and creating a military-effective workplace where everyone thrives.
Turner has an active recruiter of service members transitioning out of the military, and has a Veterans Employee Resource Group that honors, supports, and connects military members, veterans, and their families. This includes a national group and 21 local chapters across the company.