Turner Construction Company has signed the Million Women in Construction Community Pledge initiated by the United States Department of Commerce. This Pledge urges companies to enhance their workforce development and recruitment strategies to expand opportunities for women in the construction industry.
The Million Women in Construction initiative aims to help build a new inclusive American workforce by bringing more women into the construction industry.
From Commerce.gov:
Since launching the initiative, the Department of Commerce has worked across the federal government to ensure everyone – workers, women, people of color, unions, contractors, businesses, and America as a whole – can benefit from the historic investments made in infrastructure, manufacturing, clean energy, and technology. In April, the Department announced the CHIPS Women in Construction Framework and the first companies to voluntarily adopt the Framework for use on CHIPS-funded projects.
New federal infrastructure investments give states broad discretion on how to integrate workforce development into their implementation plans. Many states are already using their authority to support a more equitable workforce by leveraging procurement, cross-agency collaboration, and creating new workforce training programs that recruit workers from underrepresented groups in construction and underserved communities, but more action is needed in more places. are already using their authority to support a more equitable workforce by leveraging procurement, cross-agency collaboration, and creating new workforce training programs that recruit underrepresented groups and underserved communities, but more action is needed in more places.