Learning about construction safety doesn’t only have to take place in the classroom, or on the job site itself. Innovative and interactive video games help workers practice recognizing and avoiding job site hazards.
Available for all mobile devices, Harness Hero by Simcoach Games engages players (anyone who works near a fall hazard) in the key decisions of using a fall arrest system. At each step in the game, the player chooses:
- Where to anchor
- What anchorage device to use
- How to set up the harness
- What connection device to use
The player also inspects the equipment along the way for burns, rips, rust and other malfunctions. At the end of each play, the player encounters a fall and, depending on how well they did setting up their fall arrest system, the player will witness a rescue, a severe injury or a fatality.
The app is available on Google Play, the App Store, and Amazon.
Download the app today!
May 7-11, 2018 is Construction Safety Week. OSHA’s Focus Four Campaign is also focusing on Fall Hazards for the month of May. This week, GBCA Safety has posted a toolbox talk on Fall Protection Equipment Inspections. Click below to download a toolbox talk on Fall Protection Equipment Inspections.
Watch a guide through the Harness Hero app below!
Click below to learn more about the app from the National Safety Council: