Project Safety Awards
GBCA has a long-standing commitment to safety in the commercial construction workplace, and our awards programs document the competitive value our members provide our region’s developers and building owners by completing projects safely. GBCA’s Project Safety Awards thank project owners and clients by giving them an award commemorating the safe work performed by GBCA members assigned to their projects.
Important Dates in 2024:
- Deadline for Project Safety Awards is June 19, 2024.
- Projects need to be completed between January 1, 2023 and June 13, 2024.
- GBCA will present the awards at the Safety Awards Reception on July 18, 2024 (registration to open soon!).
To submit a Project Safety Award entry:
- Fill out an entry for each project that should be recognized with a Project Safety Award.
- Submit the application fee ($100 per award submission).
- NOTE: GBCA members may submit for multiple Project Safety Awards, but only one award per project.
What Project Safety Award recipients receive:
- Award commemorating GBCA member’s safe projects.
- Recognition at GBCA’s Safety Awards Reception.
- Project Safety Award Honoree digital badge.
- Award for project owners/client recognizing the GBCA member and the project.
- Project owners/clients receive one (1) complimentary ticket to the Safety Awards Reception. GBCA members can help present the award to them in-person, or the member can collect the award to present it to their respective owners/clients at their convenience.
To be eligible for the awards,
- The applicant must be a current member of the GBCA.
- The project’s GC/CM/primary contractor must be a signatory contractor.
- The project must have been completed within the 18 months prior to the Project Safety Awards submission due date.
- The applicant must have accrued a minimum of 1500 man-hours on the project site.
- The applicant must have ZERO OSHA recordable injuries or illnesses throughout the length of the project.
- The applicant may have only one (1) property damage (including auto) incident with a total value not to exceed $10,000 throughout the length of the project.
- The applicant may have no third party (i.e. the general public) personal injury incidents throughout the length of the project.
Award procedures:
- Submit a completed application and safety questionnaire (click below).
- Submit a $100 application fee (per award).
- Celebrate and receive the awards at the Safety Awards Reception!
Apply Online
NOTE: Submissions are done through SmarterSelect. This is a separate awards submissions site. You will need to create a new login if you have not used GBCA’s SmarterSelect system before (you can do this when you click through to submit for an award).