Welcome New Members

GBCA’s Board of Directors recently welcomed seven new members to the association. Please join us in welcoming the following new GBCA members: Active Members: NCFurman LLC Shawmut Design and

Ben Connors Testifies at City Hall in Support of 76Place Development

On November 19, Ben Connors, President and CEO of GBAC, testified before Philadelphia City Council’s Committee of the Whole in support of the 76Place Development at Market East. Ben

Movember Happy Hour at Yards Brewing

In partnership with the Movember Foundation, Yards Brewing Company, GBCA, and the CFMA Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention, Ernest D. Menold, Inc. and Conner Strong & Buckelew are

GBCA CLC Goes to Memphis, Tennessee!

From September 10-13, 2024, members of GBCA’s Construction Leadership Council attended AGC of America’s CLC Leadership Development Conference in Memphis, Tennessee! Pictured below: Back Row: Gene Rose Jr. (Armor

Congratulations to the 2024 CARP Apprenticeship Graduates!

On June 25, the Carpenters Apprentice Ready Program (CARP) proudly celebrated the graduation of 31 participants at a ceremony hosted at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Congratulations to the

GBCA Testifies at Philadelphia’s Tax Reform Commission

On Monday, June 17, Erin Dwyer Harvard from the General Building Contractors Association (GBCA), Elaine Johnson from LaPutt Enterprise, LLC, and representatives from The Chamber of Commerce for Greater

Field Leadership Training: Elevate Your Construction Management Skills

Eastern Atlantic States Carpenters Technical Centers and the GBCA are sponsoring Field Leadership Training, designed to give attendees the advanced skills and training needed to successfully manage a construction

Congratulations to the Turner School of Construction Management Graduates

Congratulations to the attendees of the Turner School of Construction Management for successfully graduating and completing the program! This seven-week program, hosted by Turner Construction Company, Everybody Builds Philadelphia,

GBCA and Everybody Builds Hit Home Runs for Heart Health

On April 29, 2024, GBCA and Everybody Builds Philadelphia joined the American Heart Association’s Hard Hats with Heart Home Run Derby to promote cardiovascular health in the construction industry.

The Philadelphia Building Trades Safety Committee Hosts Fall Protection Equipment Inspection Training

The Philadelphia Building Trades Safety Committee (PBTSC), OSHA, The Mid Atlantic Construction Safety Council (MACSC), and the GBCA are conducting the 8th annual Fall Protection Equipment Inspection training. Implemented