The City of Philadelphia will hold a public hearing to receive public comments on amendments to the Air Management Regulations (AMRs) I & II.

  • Date: October 10, 2018 at 6pm
  • Location: Spelman Building, 321 University Avenue, 1st Floor Conference Room, Philadelphia PA 19104. Click here for directions.

The amendments were passed by the Air Pollution Control Board on July 26, 2018. During the 30-day comment period, the City received a request from the public to hold a hearing specifically on the proposed changes prior to enacting the amendments.

Here are a few of the larger changes that were included in the amendments:

1. Earthworks requirements – The amendments add an “earthworks” definition in Air Management Regulation I and additional clauses in Air Management Regulation II.  Earthworks activities will require a dust control permit that was previously tied to certain demolition activities and a provision to notify nearby property occupants prior to the commencement of work.

2. Update to public notification requirements – public notification requirements prior to the commencement of work must be completed on a City of Philadelphia Health Department form. Additionally, copies of notifications for demolition, implosions, and earthworks activities must be sent to Air Management Services.

3. Update to required work practices:

  • Annual dust control training for all contractors engaging in demolition, construction, and earthworks activities in Philadelphia.
  • New requirements pertaining the use of a material chute when dropping materials outside exterior walls of a building / structure.
  • Expanded wetting / dust suppressant requirements for worksites.
  • Dust control fabric requirement whenever a temporary worksite perimeter fence is used.
  • 10 mph speed limit requirement within a worksite.
  • Dust track out controls (rubble grates, wheel wash systems, gravel pads) requirements for worksite vehicle access points.


You can view the regulations in full here:

If you have any questions or concerns about these amendments, please contact Lance Claiborne at lclaiborne@ or at 215-568-7015.