Name: Brian McGettigan

Title: Sales Representative

Age: 36

Company, City:  Oliver Fire Protection & Security, King of Prussia Pa

Years in field:  11 years

Education: James Madison University

City of Residence: Buckingham, Pa

Family (spouse, children):  I have a beautiful Fiance named Bethany, and a great dog named Sophie.

What is your business motto?  Enjoy what you do

When did you first become interested in your career path? I first became interested in my career path after I returned home from College.  I started a job with a friend of my father’s flipping houses and really enjoyed construction and the process.  After that I started reaching out to people I knew to get in to the business, and luckily connected with the right people.

What is the most rewarding part of your job? The most rewarding part of my job is that the systems we are providing are for life safety and could potentially save lives in the event of a fire.

What is your biggest daily challenge?  My biggest daily challenge is keeping up with the bid load during the busy times.  Philadelphia is a pretty big territory and there is a lot of work going on right now!  Not a bad problem to have as a Sales person!

How do you inspire your colleagues? I am more of a leader by example, and am not very vocal in that regard.  I like to show up early, work hard every day, and do my part for the Team.

What goal are you currently striving to achieve? The goal we strive to achieve is to provide great service and to be as responsive as we can for the customer.  We work hard at that every day as a Team at Oliver.

What project are you currently working on?  I am a Sales Representative so I work on pricing multiple projects per day.  One of my most recent sales was for installing new sprinkler protection in the Blauvelt Theater at the Friends Select School.

Do you have a life motto? If so, what is it?  Trust the process

What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in your career?  Always be honest.  What you say or write may not be what the person on the other end may want to hear but it is necessary to complete the task at hand.

What was your favorite CLC event?  My favorite CLC event was the Speed Raceway event, that was a lot of fun.

How do you find that participating in CLC activities benefits you? It helps me stay connected to the people in the industry.  It is nice to interact with people who work in the same field, and to hear about the new, exciting projects that are on the horizon.

Do you have any advice for other CLC members/ young professionals who are looking to advance their career?  Enjoy what you do and never stop learning.  The construction industry is always changing and it is up to us to keep up.

What is your favorite thing about being a member of GBCA?  My favorite thing about the GBCA is that because I am a member I have so much more knowledge of what is going on in my industry than I would if I wasn’t involved.  A lot of the leaders in the Construction world are involved in the GBCA and attend many of the events, so we are on the cutting edge of what is happening in Philadelphia.