On December 12, the GBCA staff volunteered to feed the hungry at Broad Street Ministry. We served over 170 people that day! Broad Street Ministry (“BSM”) is a broad-minded Christian community that practices radical hospitality and works for a more just world through civic engagement. Broad Street Ministry was established in May of 2005 as a Pennsylvania 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. The GBCA staff and members are proud to give back to our community throughout the year, and especially during this time of year. We hope we were able to bring some holiday cheer to those who need it most!
GBCA Staff Gives Back to the Community
Byron Lee2017-12-15T12:00:00-05:00December 15th, 2017|Categories: GBCA News|Tags: broad street ministry, GBCA Community Service, GBCA staff gives back to the community|