Level Up Your Corporate Safety Program

In just one month, construction workers from around the country will converge on Arlington, VA, for the only Safety Management Training Course (SMTC) of 2022. Join them from April 20-22 to take your corporate safety program to new heights.

This will be the last SMTC until 2023, so don’t miss this opportunity to learn the skills to immediately impact your safety & health program.

AGC Safety Management Training Course
Date: April 20-22
Location: Arlington, VA


About the Course:

SMTC provides attendees three days of training on the basic skills needed to manage a company safety program in the construction industry. This program builds on Focus Four training and prepares attendees to manage key safety issues on the job site and provides techniques for delivering basic safety training to field personnel.

Participants will receive intensive instruction and training that will allow them to return to their firms with readily applicable new skills to positively impact their company’s safety and health program.

Registration Rate: $995 (Cost includes breakfast, lunch and training materials)