The ACE Mentor Program of Greater Philadelphia is seeking mentors for the Winter/Spring Semester for its virtual program, ACE360 Online. As a mentor, you can contribute by leading sessions with high school students interested in careers in architecture, construction, and engineering.

ACE360 Online:

  • You can choose 1, 2, or 3 sessions
  • Topics could include:
    • An overview of your profession (include education/training, career path, day-to-day professional responsibilities, examples of projects you’ve worked on)
    • Professional Development – resume building, interview skills, professional etiquette, LinkedIn
    • Virtual Field Trip – recorded or live site tour, BIM technology, Virtual Reality, drone technology
    • Project based activity – live stream a hands-on project students can complete at home.  Any required materials will be sent to students ahead of the session so that they are prepared to participate!


If you would like to facilitate a session this winter/spring, please select a date & time through this Calendly link:

Once you have signed up for a session, Melissa Raffel, Affiliate Director, will be in touch to discuss next steps.

If you have any additional questions, please contact Melissa by clicking below: