In preparation for the Independence Day holiday on July 4, 2021, please be advised of the below rules for observing the holiday:


Not a paid holiday. If worked, Double-Time.


Paid Holiday. Employees employed on a weekly basis shall be paid for a holiday falling during the scheduled work week, provided such employees worked the scheduled work day previous to the holiday and the scheduled work day following the holiday. If worked, they are paid Double Time, which includes holiday pay.


July 5th is an observed holiday and when work is performed it shall be paid for at twice the base wage rate.


Additional Clarification:

Because July 4, 2021 is on a Sunday, please note the following:

Monday, July 5, 2021 is NOT an observed holiday for the following trades within GBCA’s collective bargaining territory in Pennsylvania:

  • Carpenters
  • Cement Masons
  • Drywall Finishers
  • Laborers
  • Plasterers

In these collective bargaining agreements, Independence Day is observed exclusively on July 4th.

Federal law (5 U.S.C. § 6103) which establishes observance of Federal Holidays does not apply to private employers and therefore does not require observance of a federal holiday that falls on a Saturday on the Friday prior.

CARPENTERS (Outside of PA)

Monday, July 5, 2021 is an observed holiday for members of the Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters who work in New Castle, Kent and Sussex in the State of Delaware or in northern Cecil County and the counties of Kent, Queen Anne’s, Talbot, Caroline, Dorchester, Wicomico, Somerset and Worcester in the State of Maryland.

If members work in these counties on Monday, July 5, 2021 they are to be paid double time.


Monday, July 5, 2021 is an observed holiday for members of the Operating Engineers.

If worked, they are to be paid double-time.


Monday, July 5, 2021 is an observed holiday for members of the Rodsetters.

If worked, they are to be paid double-time.


If you have any questions about the holiday pay requirements for any of the above agreements or if you would like to receive a copy of the full legal analysis of this issue, please call Ben Connors or Lance Claiborne at 215-568-7015.