We have all heard discussions on a national level concerning the potential for unrest on Election Day, or in the aftermath. Like with any major event, it is important that we ensure that our job sites are safe and secure. GBCA is in communication with the City of Philadelphia’s Office of Emergency Management as well as the Department of Licenses & Inspections to make sure that we can update our members in the most timely fashion.

Here is a quick list of ways to prepare job sites, shared from the Mid-Atlantic Construction Safety Council, if there is unrest after the election on Tuesday, November 3, 2020.

  • Add additional security
  • Work and leave work in pairs
  • Early starts – Have everyone of the job site by 5:00pm
  • Keep gates closed and locked except for deliveries
  • Take laptops home if the job is compromised
  • Know where voting sites are related to your job and home
  • Remove / limit flammable liquids on the job
  • Remove keys and secure equipment
  • Plan for tower cranes / cranes to be secured
  • Have ability to lock the gates from the inside
  • Empty dumpsters, especially those with combustibles.
  • Move lifts out of site, remove keys and disconnect batteries
  • Move CMUs from sight
  • Remove planking from the first two levels of scaffolding
  • Move all loose scaffolding components and anything that can be thrown or used as a swing weapon into an enclosed space, or inside cones
  • Move anything tempting for destruction or theft out of plain sight from outside of the job site

The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) recently released a comprehensive civil disturbance mitigation planning checklist for construction job site security prepared by Willis Towers Watson.