Join GBCA in supporting a good cause!

GBCA’s Alex’s Lemonade Stand will take place on June 22, 2018, from 10:00am – 2:00pm at the GBCA offices at 36 South 18th Street, Philadelphia, PA. Mark your calendars to come visit us and support Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation!

The GBCA Alex’s Lemonade Stand is organized by GBCA’s Construction Leadership Council (CLC). The GBCA CLC has a goal of raising $5,000 this year! Help us make a difference!

We are also accepting donations online; you can DONATE directly to our lemonade stand online.

About Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation:

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) shares the vision of founder and creator, Alexandra “Alex” Scott—a cure for all children with cancer.  Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation is the living embodiment of Alex’s spirit of determination and hope. Like Alex, we believe that every person can make a difference. Together, we can bring about a cure. Please join us in “making lemonade” today!