Name: Christopher Jaccino
Title: Office Engineer
Age: 24
Company, City: Tutor Perini Building Corp., Philadelphia
Years in field: 2.5 years, including internships
Education: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Drexel University
Birthplace: Malverne, New York
City of Residence: Philadelphia, PA

What is your business motto?
“No Problems, Just Solutions!”

When did you first become interested in your career path?
I was very fortunate to know in high school that I wanted to pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering.  Even though I didn’t know which career path I wanted to pursue, I was lucky enough to secure an internship with a General Contractor in New York after my sophomore year at Drexel. During this internship experience, my passion for the construction industry was realized.

What is the most rewarding part of your job? Least rewarding?
The most rewarding part of my job is seeing a project from its infancy stages to its completion, and feeling satisfaction from being a part of the process. Pointing at a structure and saying I was a part of its creation will never not put a smile on my face.

There really aren’t any “least rewarding” qualities of my job because the more frustrating aspects are just part of the job.  At the end of the day they need to be dealt with. “No problems, just solutions!”

What is your biggest daily challenge? 
Not taking it personally when things don’t go right.

How do you inspire your colleagues? 
Since most of my colleagues have more experience than I do, the main way I try to inspire them is by working as hard as I can, while learning as much as I can from them.

What goal are you currently striving to achieve?
To be the best asset to my company that I can be, while creating a great reputation for myself.

What project are you currently working on? 
I am currently working on the East Market Project; it is the first phase of the redevelopment of the land owned by the Gerard Square Trust.  It is a mixed use residential high rise with 322 apartment units and two floors of retail space in the podium level.

Do you have a life motto? If so, what is it?
“The measure of a man is not how he handles the good times but how he handles the bad times.”

What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in your career?
Even though I have been working in the industry for only two and a half years, I learned quickly that the harder I worked, the luckier I got and in turn more opportunities were presented to me.

What was your favorite CLC event?
My favorite CLC event was the jobsite walkthrough of the Lincoln Square Project; the networking session after the event was amazing.  I met so many great professionals and made many great connections that have benefited both myself and my company.

How do you find that participating in CLC activities benefits you?
Participating in CLC activities has allowed me to meet people who have had an impact on me both personally and professionally.  From receiving proposals to helping current students looking for internships, meeting likeminded professionals has been a great asset to my career.

Do you have any advice for other CLC members/ young professionals who are looking to advance their career?
Talk to as many people as you can in your industry, especially people who are in the positions you strive to be in, and learn as much as you can from them.  Make yourself a “go to” person that your boss can trust to get a task done no matter what.

What is your favorite thing about being a member of GBCA?
I have met a lot of amazing people and being a member has helped to bring opportunities to myself and my company.