On December 2, 2020, the CDC issued options to reduce quarantine after an individual has close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19, or who travels to a hotspot. In summary,

  • Best Practice: Quarantine for 14 days.
  • Reduced Quarantine Option 1: End quarantine after 10 days if you have no symptoms and do NOT take a COVID-19 test.
  • Reduced Quarantine Option 2: End quarantine after 7 days if you have no symptoms and get a negative test result from a test taken no earlier than 5 days after your exposure.


For the two Reduced Quarantine Options, individuals should still do the following for 14 days:

  • Continue watching for COVID-19 symptoms.
    • If any symptoms appear, they should,
      • Contact their medical provider and prepare to isolate. Ask about testing for COVID-19 and the flu, as symptoms are similar and individuals can be infected with both at the same time.
      • Contact their employer.
  • Continue wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, and increased hand washing.

Click below to read more about this recommendation:


NOTE: These are the CDC’s recommendations about quarantine. Individuals who need to quarantine should contact their employers and follow their employers’ return-to-work policies.

We have updated our Toolbox Talk on Isolation and Quarantine (updated December 3, 2020):


Click below to access all of GBCA’s COVID-19 toolbox talks:


Click below to access GBCA’s COVID-19 Safety Resources: