Craig Williams, CEO of Pride Enterprises, Inc., recently sat down with the Philadelphia Business Journal to share insights on his journey, the challenges of navigating cultural barriers, and his vision for the future of Pride Enterprise. Throughout the interview, he underscored the critical importance of delivering quality and exceptional service as the key drivers of success.
We are a nation that is still progressing through a challenging history. We’ve made incredible progress over the last many decades, from the civil rights era and the affirmative action era to the diversity, equity and inclusion era. But there continue to be cultural barriers to overcome. Many times, diversity is equated to risk, and so winning the confidence of your clients to handle larger, more complex, more risky projects can be a bit more difficult for a diverse business than for others. We’ve made tremendous strides, but there continues to be cultural headwind. The quality of your product and the level of service that you provide need to be the differentiator.