The NAWIC Philadelphia Foundation is again presenting the award-winning Block Kids Building Program to be held on November 6, 2021 at the Sheet Metal Workers Local 19 Hall in Philadelphia. The competition is for students in Grades 1 through 6. All of this is being done to introduce kids and their parents to the construction industry and to create awareness of construction careers.

NAWIC is looking for volunteers and judges for the Block Kids event! Judges are typically in the C-Suite, project owners, or construction company owners.


NAWIC Block Kids Building Program
Date: Saturday, November 6, 2021
Time: 9am – 12pm
Location: Sheet Metal Workers Local 19 Hall Training Center, Columbus Blvd., Philadelphia, PA

Each student is provided with 100 “Lego” type building blocks and the option to choose three other items (rock, string, aluminum foil, or poster board) to incorporate into their project.  Each student is given one hour to build a structure of his or her choice. Judges from the construction and engineering industry view each student’s project and discuss with them what they have constructed. Evaluations are recorded on a point system and then turned over to our record keepers who tally the points. All judges are local volunteers from companies within the construction community.

The winner of the local competition advances on to the Eastern Regional competition, with a potential to be entered into the National competition.

All participants enjoy snacks and take home a great goodie bag and T-shirt. Students will be exposed to local Trade organizations who will highlight what they do. We are currently working to confirm the trades that will attend.


If you are interested in registering students in 1st through 6th grade to compete, use the form linked below to register.