Conversations with a Councilmember: Cement Masons and Plasterers Local 592 & Ironworkers Local Union 401

Philadelphia Councilmember Katherine Gilmore Richardson is promoting the Philadelphia region’s different apprenticeship programs. On March 10, she’ll meet with union representatives from the Cement Masons and Plasterers Local 592

Conversations with a Councilmember: Ironworkers and CARP

Philadelphia Councilmember Katherine Gilmore Richardson is promoting the Philadelphia region’s different apprenticeship programs. On October 7, she’ll be holding a discussion with representatives from the International Association of Bridge, Structural,

Conversations with a Councilmember: Sheet Metal Workers Local Union 19

Philadelphia Councilmember Katherine Gilmore Richardson has been promoting the Philadelphia region’s different apprenticeship programs. On October 8, she’ll be holding a discussion with representatives from the Operating Engineers Local 542

Conversations with a Councilmember: Operating Engineers Local 542

Philadelphia Councilmember Katherine Gilmore Richardson has been promoting the Philadelphia region’s different apprenticeship programs. On October 8, she’ll be holding a discussion with representatives from the Operating Engineers Local 542