Philadelphia Office of the Department of Public Health Relaxes Restrictions on Construction

After additional dialogue with industry stakeholders, Mayor Kenney and Health Commissioner Farley have further relaxed the restrictions on construction projects that are authorized to proceed under the current orders that

OSHA Revises Recordkeeping Guidance and Interim Enforcement Response Plan for COVID-19

On May 19, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued their latest guidance on recording cases of COVID-19 in the workplace and interim enforcement response plan. The enforcement memos

Expansion of Engine 37 Continues Safely with GBCA Safety Protocols

The expansion of Engine 37, a historic , over 125-year old firehouse in Philadelphia, slowed down during COVID-19 response, but has been able to continue safely as an essential project.

Union Carpenters Light the Way

Members of Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters (EAS Carpenters) are lighting the way in construction: During COVID-19 response, they are working on essential projects following strict safety protocols

GBCA Safety Toolbox Talk: COVID-19 Job Site Protocols (Updated May 15, 2020)

This GBCA Safety Toolbox Talk discusses GBCA's suggested COVID-19 Job Site Protocols - as they pertain to workers. Please visit our COVID-19 Safety Resources for the full Recommended Job Site

Philadelphia Department of Licenses and Inspections Revised Time Period Limitations

The Philadelphia Department of Licenses and Inspections released new updates, revising the work time period limitations on commercial and large residential projects. These revisions will permit adherence to safety requirements

Philadelphia L&I Permitting and Inspections Issues

GBCA has partnered with the Philadelphia Department of Licenses & Inspections (L&I) to help respond to contractor issues with their department processes. Contractors with building inspection requests for L&I should

Reopening a Business After the Coronavirus Shutdown

GBCA member Madison Risk Group (MRG) has shared a document detailing issues that businesses should consider as they reopen after shutting down for coronavirus (COVID-19) response. As stay-at-home orders are